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{Article for Inc. Magazine} Shifting Paradigms: 3 Business 'Truths' That Are Fundamentally Untrue

Uncategorized Jun 06, 2023

I was thrilled to contribute a new article for Inc. Magazine!

During my entrepreneurial journey, I carved out a system to grow the business that served my family, my team, our customers, and myself. In 2019, it culminated in a high-seven-figure exit

There are three paradigm shifts that form its foundation. Read them in the full article.

I know you can reframe your entrepreneurial dream with a few shifts in perspective and a clear methodology to achieve a more joyful life.

Read the full article here!


Michèle Hecken is an Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO) member in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. An ex-CEO, she is the founder of The Art of Offboarding, a proprietary leadership and operational methodology which she implements in Fortune 500 companies. She is also a public speaker who delivers keynotes and workshops for organizations across the world.


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